
十大网赌平台推荐公共政策事件办公室 was established in July 2023 by an act of the Florida Legislature.

1001.93 .州立大学系统内的公共政策事务办公室.

(1) The Legislature finds that the advancement of knowledge is the fundamental purpose of the State University System and that such advancement is facilitated by the fearless sifting and winnowing of a wide diversity of views and that the open discussion and debate of contested public policy issues from diverse perspectives provides essential preparation for mature citizenship and an informed exercise of the right to vote.


(a) “Debate” means an event at which two or more participants speak in favor of opposing approaches to the same public policy dispute, 在此之后,每个参与者都有时间来回答和反驳对方发言人的立场.

(b) “Group forum” means an event at which two or more speakers address a public policy dispute from 发散 or opposing perspectives, after which each participant is allotted time to address questions from the audience and to comment on the other speakers’ positions.

(3) Each state university within the State University System must have an Office of 公共政策活动 and must appoint a Director of 公共政策活动 who is responsible for the duties and reporting responsibilities of the office. 办公室至少必须:

(a)1. 在州立大学组织、宣传和组织辩论或小组论坛. 这些事件必须解决, 从多个, 发散, 以及相反的观点, 在社会上广泛讨论和辩论的一系列公共政策问题. 学校每学年主办不少于四项活动. At least two events must occur during the fall semester and at least two events must occur during the spring semester.

2. Such debates and 群论坛 must include speakers who represent widely held views on opposing sides of the most widely discussed public policy issues of the day and who hold a wide diversity of perspectives from within and outside of the state university community.

3. If the office is unable to readily find an advocate from within the state university community who is well-versed in a perspective, 该办公室应邀请一位能够代表这种观点的发言者. 办公室应, 在必要的时候, provide such speakers who are not from within the state university community with per diem and a reimbursement for travel expenses.

(b)维持常设, 公共可访问, 可搜索的, 以及最新的印刷日历, 在办公室的网站上, 在州立大学的网站上列出了办公室赞助的所有活动和所有其他辩论, 群论坛, 以及州立大学针对公共政策问题向整个校园社区开放的活动. The calendar must itemize the title of the event; the name and institutional affiliation of the speaker or speakers; and the office, 研究所, 部门, 程序, 或者赞助活动的组织, 不包括那些由校外团体在租用州立大学设施举办的活动. 这样的日历必须保存在每个州立大学的图书馆系统中.

(c)自9月1日起, 2024, 此后每年9月1日举行, 向理事会提交一份报告,详细说明下列事项:

1. 辩论和小组论坛的数量.

2. 按时间顺序排列, the calendars itemizing the title of each event; the name and institutional affiliation of the speaker or speakers; and the office, 研究所, 部门, 程序, 或者赞助活动的组织.

3. 参加每项活动的注册学生人数.

4. 与任何每日津贴或旅费报销有关的支出信息.


(d)公开提供, 以在线形式, 办公室组织的每次辩论和小组论坛的完整视频记录. The video recording for an event organized by the office must be posted 在办公室的网站上 within 10 business days after the event. Such video must remain 公共可访问 在办公室的网站上 for at least 5 years after the date of the event. 这些视频也必须永久保存在里面, 并通过, 举办这次活动的州立大学图书馆.

(四)经州立大学校董会和理事会批准, a state university may assign the duties of the office to an existing administrative office within the state university rather than establish a separate office.

(5) Each office shall report directly to either the state university’s office that is responsible for compiling and reporting the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System’s graduation rate survey or Office of General Counsel.

(6)办公室组织的每次辩论和小组论坛必须对所有学生开放, 教师, 还有州立大学的工作人员, 除非限制参加此类活动是为了达到令人信服的政府利益所必需的, 向公众开放.


The State University System of Florida and its twelve public postsecondary institutions adopt this Statement on Free Expression to support and encourage full and open discourse and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on our respective campuses. 美国宪法和佛罗里达州宪法中关于言论自由和表达自由的原则, 除了是合法的权利, are an integral part of our three-part university mission to deliver a high quality academic experience for our students, 从事有意义和富有成效的研究, 并为当地社区和国家的利益提供有价值的公共服务. The purpose of this Statement is to affirm our dedication to these principles and to seek our campus communities’ commitment to maintaining our campuses as 的地方s where the open exchange of knowledge and ideas furthers our mission.

A fundamental purpose of an institution of higher education is to provide a learning environment where 发散 ideas, 观点和哲学, 新与旧, 可以进行严格的辩论和批判性的评估吗. 通过这个过程, 通常被称为思想的市场, 个人可以自由表达自己的想法和意见, even if others may disagree with them or find those ideas and opinions to be offensive or otherwise antithetical to their own world view. The very process of debating 发散 ideas and challenging others’ opinions develops the intellectual skills necessary to respectfully argue through civil discourse. Development of such skills leads to personal and scholarly growth and is an essential component of the academic and research missions of each of our institutions.

同样重要的是,不要扼杀任何思想的传播, 即使我们社区的其他成员可能会觉得这些想法令人憎恶. 希望表达他人可能不同意的观点的个人必须有这样做的自由, 不怕被欺负, 威胁或沉默. 这并不意味着这些想法不应该受到挑战,因为这是学习过程的一部分. And though we believe all members of our campus communities have a role to play in promoting civility and mutual respect in that type of discourse, 我们绝不能让对文明或尊重的担忧成为压制表达的理由. 我们应该赋予彼此说话和倾听的能力, 而不是干扰或压制思想的公开表达.

Each member of our campus communities must also recognize that institutions may restrict expression that is unlawful, 比如真正的威胁或诽谤. 因为大学和学院是人们从事学术活动的首要场所, it is necessary to the efficient and effective operations of each institution for there to be reasonable limitations on the time, 的地方, 以及行使这些权利的方式. 每所大学都采用了符合佛罗里达州校园自由表达法的规定, 第1004节.097, 佛罗里达的律例, 以及美国宪法和佛罗里达州宪法以及解释这些条款的法律意见. These limitations are narrowly drawn and content-neutral and serve to ensure that all members of our campus communities have an equal ability to express their ideas and opinions, 同时维护校园秩序和安全.